Saturday, March 31, 2007

The Truth About Miracles - How To Get Your Miracle Power Back

A course in miracles. Manifesting Miracles Now. by
There was a time when we could all make miracles happen. Miracles were so commonplace that we didn't even think of them as anything out of the ordinary. The supernatural was natural. The the incredible was taken for granted. Everything we desired was immediately satisfied.

This time was not some far off time of legend and myth. This was our childhood. At the beginning of our physical existence, we doubled in size every couple minutes. Then, we neither ate nor drank nor breathed air and yet became stronger during this nine month fast.

Then, after we were born, most of us had at least one adult at our beck and call 24/7. All we had to do is intone the "waaaa" mantra and we were fed, rocked to sleep, bathed, and the adult would even wipe our butts for us. We had the world at our finger tips. We were all-mighty. We were anything but helpless.

Then as we grew older, we could easily learn a dozen languages at once. We could rapidly build neurosynaptic-motormuscular nets within our body to crawl, walk, and even run. Just a few months before, we couldn't even wiggle our toes on demand. We could accomplish in a few weeks what takes most adults years to accomplish with the help of a PhD Physical Therapist.

We knew no limitations. The whole world was one with ourself. We did not judge between skin color. We did not judge between good and bad. We did not judge between write and wrong. We did not even judge between pain and pleasure. When we fell and skinned our knee, we had to look around to see what the overall socially acceptable reaction would be before we decided to echo it and start crying. We had no lines. We had no boxes. We had no walls. We had no limitations. Everything was possible.

While being pushed along in a shopping cart, everything in sight belonged to us. We could grab a grape or a candy bar with complete entitlement. No one was going to take us to jail. No one makes hand cuffs that would even hold us. We could even nuzzle our faces into any woman's breasts and not a single one would press charges. We were innocent.

We did not judge. And were were never judged either. Our past never colored our view of the present. We did not have a past to weigh us down. Every desire we held was immediately fulfilled and our only form of currency was a smile.

If you want to learn how to make miracles happen in your life. If you want to manifest your deepest will effortlessly, I will not teach you how to perform miracles, I will not give you any lessons. What I will do is help you throw away what you've already learned. I will help you strip off the weights that cripple your innate ability to make miracles happen. Visit - Wan Qi.