Thursday, April 5, 2007

Lesson In Miracles - Lesson 5 - Immortality - How to be Immortal

A course in miracles. Manifesting Miracles Now. by

Then meditate. Let go of all duality / opposites and judgements.

If I cannot tell the difference between hot and cold, what happens if I burn my hand in a fire?

You will be fine. Because you will not know the difference between pain and pleasure.

But what if my hand burns off?

You will be fine, as you do not know the difference between loss and gain.

But what if I damage my body beyond repair?

You will be fine, as you do not know the difference between life and death.

At this point, you will be immortal. You are now free from the bonds of life and death.

But how can I observe the law of the Master Key of the Universe - Singularity, and not suffer all the above?

Simple. Live not by right and wrong or should or shouldn't. Live by WILL. If letting your hand burn off is not in accord with your will, let your hand remain fine. You can act without judgement. You can strive without effort. You can will without desire.

Now, you are totally free to "let your will take place" - on earth as it is in heaven. - Remember who said that?

Monday, April 2, 2007

A Lesson In Miracles - Lesson Four - There is no Miracle

A course in miracles. Manifesting Miracles Now. by
There is no such thing as a miracle. "Do not judge. For the measure you are measuring out will be measured unto you." - Jesus. "Perceive the great oneness of the cosmos" - Tao. "I am working on my unified field theory now." - Einstien.

All four of these expression are teaching us the same thing. You create your own barriers. By calling something a miracle, you attach to it the connotation that it's got a snowflake's chance in hell. By judging your goal or desire as desirable, you have already created a separation between your goal and you. By not seeing that you and your desires are already unified, you put yourself in two different worlds.

A Miracle is only a miracle to those who think that an event is unlikely or improbable. The reason they have judged an event as unlikely is that based on their own limited historical frames of reference, their previous learning, a event looks unlikely.

What would happen if you were raised in a different culture? What would happen if you went to different schools? What one group thinks is impossible is commonplace for another. Be one with everything and stop judging. Judgement creates lines. Lines are boundaries. Boundaries are self imposed limitations. All your energy goes to maintaining that imaginary boundary instead of making your miracles manifest.

A Lesson In Miracles - One Universe P3 Soul Mate Love

A course in miracles. Manifesting Miracles Now. by
Now that you've read the last few topics on the oneness of you and you money and the wealth of the world, you understand the concept that any separation you see between the material things you want and you is purely imagined.

Inspite of this fact, I frequently get asked, "What if what I want involves another person - not some in animate object?"

This case is no different. Even inanimate objects have a will. Everything does what it wants to do. Rain wants to fall. Rocks want to sit there. Trees want to grow. Viruses want to take over the nice cozy corners of your body. Money wants to go places. And that woman at the bar wants to talk to someone. That successful charming man wants to settle down and build a family with someone.

There is no difference.

What if that person you are attracted to is "out of your league?" It's YOUR friggin LEAGUE. Dissolve it! Get out of your own self imposed league!

This is not a matter of wealth, education, status, or lineage. This is a matter of spirit. Wealthy rulers like Buddha associated with poor outcasts and fit right in. Poor poets like Jesus associated with rulers, politicians, and harlots, fitting right in.

Know that there is no separation between you and the person you want in your life. Where does your hand stop and your arm begin? Can you pick one line? If you shake this person's hand, where does your hand stop and his/hers begin? In skin to skin contact, your skin cells interweave leaving no space. On a molecular level, with a microscope, you can't see any unique space at all.

Is there a separation between you and the wind that coarses outside? If you imagine you to be separate, then plug your nose and close your mouth for 2 minutes. There is nowhere the air does not reach in your body. This is the same air that has been everywhere in her/his body. His/her dead skin sells are falling into your drink and yours into theirs.

When they look at you, they cannot compare their beauty to yours. They cannot see their own face. They only see you. You are the only person in their consciousness.

If you are still nervous and anxious about approaching this person, meditate. Ask yourself, how can I be a miracle to this person? What miracle can I be to this person. What miracle does this person need right now?

Then relax, take a deep breath, say, "AHHHH." Outloud. Pretend you're refering to how tasty your drink is.

When you become a miracle to anyone, you've already become an unforgettable part of their lives.

This leads to our originally implied question. "What if their will is different than mine?" What if I want them to be my soul mate but they only see me as a friend?

Wills change. Pick up a rock from the ground. It immediately knows your will. You want to hold it up from the ground. Depending on the mass of the rock, you too will soon learn it's will. It want's to fall to the ground. Your two wills are at odds. Eventually it will win. The ROCK's WILL is stronger than your own.

But you are spirit. So use your spirit to find a spiritual solution to the physical problem (Wayne, great line. Hope you don't mind that I'm Borrowing It.). If you want to suspend the rock over the earth, just remove your hand and put a vat of liquid gold underneath it. The rock will float in a couldron of gold. It will be at rest, and you will be suspending it above the earth.

Two people with diametrically opposed wills CAN satisfy each others wills. To enter the kingdom of god, you must be born of water and wind. - Jesus. Be like water my friend - Bruce Lee.

A Lesson In Miracles - One Universe P2 Money

A course in miracles. Manifesting Miracles Now. by
You must fully accept and understand that you are one and that the universe is one before you can fully make miracles manifest. Think about it. You and the money in your pocket is one. You have full control of it. You can pull it out and use it at any time for anything. But what about Bill Gates' Money? Can you use it the same way?

If you do not think that you have the same control over Bill Gates' money, then your are completely correct. If you think that you can have as much access to it as he, then you are also correct. You limit yourself.

Think. At the end of the day, when we are all asleep in bed, does his money sit in a different vault than your own? Does his money look any different? Are his hundred dollar bills fuschia instead of green like yours? Are there ATM Machines that he can get money from that you cannot? Are there grocery stores that will accept his twenty dollar bills but will not accept yours?

Realize that the universe is one. Realize that EK ONG Kar.

Tear down your false idols. These are the idols that you fear and revere. These are the idols that enslave you. These are the barriers and shackles that you yourself have deified. Know that there is no separation between you and anyone.

I was at CES Trade Show in Las Vegas recently when Jay Leno hosted a technology summit with Bill Gates as the Keynote Speaker. There were about 3,000 in the audience. Jay introduced Bill by saying, "You'll be happy to know that out next speaker makes the average net-worth in this room 23.4 million dollars - Introducing Bill Gates!"

Sunday, April 1, 2007

A Course In Miracles - One Universe

A course in miracles. Manifesting Miracles Now. by
Know that seeing the object of your desire as apart and outside of you is a meditation. You are simply solidifying the idea that what you desire is not a part of your life. Stop this. Know that one wave of the ocean doesn't lust for another wave in the same set. The wave knows it is one with the other wave.

A Course in Miracles - Forget the Past

A course in miracles. Manifesting Miracles Now. by
Lesson Three
Your Third Lesson In A Course In Miracles is to forget the past. There is no past or future. The universe is only one. The only reason it looks like there is a moving of time is because we choose to put one event before or after another. The universe does not keep time. We do. You do. Stop keeping time.

How does this empower you to manifest miracles? Simple. Think about all the facts you learned about your income potential or your romantic "league," or your family hereditary-genetic health conditions. If you are a business admin person, you know that there is a mean-average salary expectation for your job. If you are a 40's man with a beer belly, you know that super-models are "out of your league." If your father and uncles and grandfather were alcoholics, then you know that you're chances of compulsive bindge drinking are 800% greater than your buddies.

Forget all these facts. Know that it was once a fact that the world was flat. It was once a fact that the earth was in the center of the universe. It was fact that man could not run a 4 minute mile. It was fact that the "ATOM" was the smallest unit of matter (atomos means unsplittable in latin - umm i think it was latin, I'll probably look this up later...). It was fact that light and speed and mass were impossible to relate.

Einstien only a few decades demonstrated that E does equal M x (CxC). How did he do it? How did he manifest the miracle of time / space / energy /travel ? Simple. He did not remember this physics lessons. In fact, Einstien was not a school system trained physicist. He worked a patent office. He was free from the past lessons and classes that his peer physicists were shackled to. His mind was free to manifest miracles without any expected form or pattern to fulfill.

This is why most all the the innovations and miracles in any industry are accomplished by people who are outside the industry. The first outside elevator was invented by a custodian in San Diego. The builders and architects were baffled as to how to renovate an elevator while hotel guests were still present. They were stuck under their fear of all the construction debris this renovation would create. The custodian simply suggested they mount the elevator outside. Reference

Forget the past.

In laboratory experiments, if an animal with a strong memory was consistently fed from the same tube out of two other possible tubes, eventually, it wouldn't even consider looking for for in the other two tubes. It would starve to death. But if an animal with a shorter memory was subjected to the same experiment, it would always look everywhere for food.

Forget how and where you got your last miracle. Forget the past. Look for miracles in the least likely places and with the least likely people. The universe enjoys surprising us.

Miracles - Applying the Law of Abundance

A course in miracles. Manifesting Miracles Now. by
We are finally onto phase three. Knowledge of the "Law of Abundance," was one. Understanding and Empathising that you too were on the accept/reject side of the Law was phase two. Now you are ready to apply the "law of abundance."

As we mentioned before, ownership of a thing means that you have no more desire for it. You cannot want the car you already own. You cannot want money that's already in your pocket. It's yours because you don't want it - NOT because you already have it. Legally owning something is only one path by which you can let go of desire.

So lets say that what you want is that double salary job. Simply stop wanting it. Let's say it's that super-model at the bar you want. Simply stop wanting him/her.

In western cultures, will and want are often confused. Want is desire. Will is intention. You can intend without desire. Intend on snapping your fingers for example. Go ahead and do it. Did you feel a sense of vacant hollow needy wanting emptiness? No. You had complete mastery over your snap and there was no neediness along with it.

So, intend on having that job without needing or wanting it. Intend on taking that gorgeous successful person to your favorite bistro without wanting, needing, or yearning. How? Once again, there is a meditation for Applying the Law of Abundance. It enables you to own the object of your desire so that the desire flakes away while the intention burns more brightly and you will manifests. Next...

Miracles - Understanding the Law of Abundance

A course in miracles. Manifesting Miracles Now. by
The Law of Abundance 2b
Now that you what the law of abundance is, how do you make it work in your favor? First, while you know the law, you may not yet understand it. Let's help you understand it.

Would you go to a dentist who seemed uncomfortable with your teeth? If in the tone of his voice or the look in his eyes, he betrayed a lack a comfort or familiarity with your teeth, would you still sit there while he held a huge 3 inch needle in his quivering hand?

No. But why not? Because, we instinctively entrust our valuables to people who OWN the same. And ownership is familiarity. You want your dentist to fully and completely own the understanding and knowledge of your kind of teeth. You want him to be so comfortable with your teeth, that he could be bored to sleep about working on another set of teeth that look like yours.

Would you entrust your money to someone who looked surprised to see a one hundred dollar bill? No. You want someone to be bored to death of seeing another hundred dollar bill.

This is why you have five neckties / bracelets that look the same. You are soo bored of these accessories, that people can trust you with them. Who do you entrust with your wheelbarrels of grain? The grainery - because they've already got tons of grain.

So now that you understand the law of abundance, how do you apply it to produce miracles and manifest things that you are totally unfamiliar with like buying that million dollar house, dating a super model, getting straight a's, healing your chronic health issues, being at peace, etc? That's next.

मिराच्लेस अरे एवेर्य्व्हेरे Miracles And the Law of Abundance

A course in miracles. Manifesting Miracles Now. by
Ever notice that all the things you don't want seem to flock to you like moths to a candle? For your birthday, you get three neckties or accessories that look exactly like that one you've had in your closet for two years now.

Your boss offers you a promotion but its one that you have no passion for. The guys that remind you of the guys you used to think were attractive in High School still seem to be able to zoom into you no matter what dark corner you choose in your favorite bar.

Only what you already own or don't want seems to magically manifest but what you want seems to slip away the harder you work for it. This is called the law of abundance. "To him who has, more will be given. To him that does not have, even what he has will be taken from him."

It's a universal principle. You will have more of what you already have.

फर्स्ट लेस्सों इन मिराच्लेस First Lesson In Miracles

A course in miracles. Manifesting Miracles Now. by
Lesson One. I miracle is defined in the minds of those who do the looking. The universe does not know what a miracle is. It makes trillions of events occur in the space of a pin head every millisecond.

It's people who judge things to be likely or unlikely. So, all you have to do to manifest a miracle is produce a result outside the expectation of those who are looking at you.

Has your doctor told you that It would be a miracle if you survived a condition? Have your parents and friends told you that it'd be a miracle if you could hold down a job? Have you been told that it'd be a miracle if that successful gorgeous person fell in love with you?

So all you have to do is exceed the expectations of the observers. Simple.