Sunday, April 1, 2007

Miracles - Understanding the Law of Abundance

A course in miracles. Manifesting Miracles Now. by
The Law of Abundance 2b
Now that you what the law of abundance is, how do you make it work in your favor? First, while you know the law, you may not yet understand it. Let's help you understand it.

Would you go to a dentist who seemed uncomfortable with your teeth? If in the tone of his voice or the look in his eyes, he betrayed a lack a comfort or familiarity with your teeth, would you still sit there while he held a huge 3 inch needle in his quivering hand?

No. But why not? Because, we instinctively entrust our valuables to people who OWN the same. And ownership is familiarity. You want your dentist to fully and completely own the understanding and knowledge of your kind of teeth. You want him to be so comfortable with your teeth, that he could be bored to sleep about working on another set of teeth that look like yours.

Would you entrust your money to someone who looked surprised to see a one hundred dollar bill? No. You want someone to be bored to death of seeing another hundred dollar bill.

This is why you have five neckties / bracelets that look the same. You are soo bored of these accessories, that people can trust you with them. Who do you entrust with your wheelbarrels of grain? The grainery - because they've already got tons of grain.

So now that you understand the law of abundance, how do you apply it to produce miracles and manifest things that you are totally unfamiliar with like buying that million dollar house, dating a super model, getting straight a's, healing your chronic health issues, being at peace, etc? That's next.

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