Monday, April 2, 2007

A Lesson In Miracles - One Universe P3 Soul Mate Love

A course in miracles. Manifesting Miracles Now. by
Now that you've read the last few topics on the oneness of you and you money and the wealth of the world, you understand the concept that any separation you see between the material things you want and you is purely imagined.

Inspite of this fact, I frequently get asked, "What if what I want involves another person - not some in animate object?"

This case is no different. Even inanimate objects have a will. Everything does what it wants to do. Rain wants to fall. Rocks want to sit there. Trees want to grow. Viruses want to take over the nice cozy corners of your body. Money wants to go places. And that woman at the bar wants to talk to someone. That successful charming man wants to settle down and build a family with someone.

There is no difference.

What if that person you are attracted to is "out of your league?" It's YOUR friggin LEAGUE. Dissolve it! Get out of your own self imposed league!

This is not a matter of wealth, education, status, or lineage. This is a matter of spirit. Wealthy rulers like Buddha associated with poor outcasts and fit right in. Poor poets like Jesus associated with rulers, politicians, and harlots, fitting right in.

Know that there is no separation between you and the person you want in your life. Where does your hand stop and your arm begin? Can you pick one line? If you shake this person's hand, where does your hand stop and his/hers begin? In skin to skin contact, your skin cells interweave leaving no space. On a molecular level, with a microscope, you can't see any unique space at all.

Is there a separation between you and the wind that coarses outside? If you imagine you to be separate, then plug your nose and close your mouth for 2 minutes. There is nowhere the air does not reach in your body. This is the same air that has been everywhere in her/his body. His/her dead skin sells are falling into your drink and yours into theirs.

When they look at you, they cannot compare their beauty to yours. They cannot see their own face. They only see you. You are the only person in their consciousness.

If you are still nervous and anxious about approaching this person, meditate. Ask yourself, how can I be a miracle to this person? What miracle can I be to this person. What miracle does this person need right now?

Then relax, take a deep breath, say, "AHHHH." Outloud. Pretend you're refering to how tasty your drink is.

When you become a miracle to anyone, you've already become an unforgettable part of their lives.

This leads to our originally implied question. "What if their will is different than mine?" What if I want them to be my soul mate but they only see me as a friend?

Wills change. Pick up a rock from the ground. It immediately knows your will. You want to hold it up from the ground. Depending on the mass of the rock, you too will soon learn it's will. It want's to fall to the ground. Your two wills are at odds. Eventually it will win. The ROCK's WILL is stronger than your own.

But you are spirit. So use your spirit to find a spiritual solution to the physical problem (Wayne, great line. Hope you don't mind that I'm Borrowing It.). If you want to suspend the rock over the earth, just remove your hand and put a vat of liquid gold underneath it. The rock will float in a couldron of gold. It will be at rest, and you will be suspending it above the earth.

Two people with diametrically opposed wills CAN satisfy each others wills. To enter the kingdom of god, you must be born of water and wind. - Jesus. Be like water my friend - Bruce Lee.

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