Monday, April 2, 2007

A Lesson In Miracles - Lesson Four - There is no Miracle

A course in miracles. Manifesting Miracles Now. by
There is no such thing as a miracle. "Do not judge. For the measure you are measuring out will be measured unto you." - Jesus. "Perceive the great oneness of the cosmos" - Tao. "I am working on my unified field theory now." - Einstien.

All four of these expression are teaching us the same thing. You create your own barriers. By calling something a miracle, you attach to it the connotation that it's got a snowflake's chance in hell. By judging your goal or desire as desirable, you have already created a separation between your goal and you. By not seeing that you and your desires are already unified, you put yourself in two different worlds.

A Miracle is only a miracle to those who think that an event is unlikely or improbable. The reason they have judged an event as unlikely is that based on their own limited historical frames of reference, their previous learning, a event looks unlikely.

What would happen if you were raised in a different culture? What would happen if you went to different schools? What one group thinks is impossible is commonplace for another. Be one with everything and stop judging. Judgement creates lines. Lines are boundaries. Boundaries are self imposed limitations. All your energy goes to maintaining that imaginary boundary instead of making your miracles manifest.

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