Sunday, April 1, 2007

A Course in Miracles - Forget the Past

A course in miracles. Manifesting Miracles Now. by
Lesson Three
Your Third Lesson In A Course In Miracles is to forget the past. There is no past or future. The universe is only one. The only reason it looks like there is a moving of time is because we choose to put one event before or after another. The universe does not keep time. We do. You do. Stop keeping time.

How does this empower you to manifest miracles? Simple. Think about all the facts you learned about your income potential or your romantic "league," or your family hereditary-genetic health conditions. If you are a business admin person, you know that there is a mean-average salary expectation for your job. If you are a 40's man with a beer belly, you know that super-models are "out of your league." If your father and uncles and grandfather were alcoholics, then you know that you're chances of compulsive bindge drinking are 800% greater than your buddies.

Forget all these facts. Know that it was once a fact that the world was flat. It was once a fact that the earth was in the center of the universe. It was fact that man could not run a 4 minute mile. It was fact that the "ATOM" was the smallest unit of matter (atomos means unsplittable in latin - umm i think it was latin, I'll probably look this up later...). It was fact that light and speed and mass were impossible to relate.

Einstien only a few decades demonstrated that E does equal M x (CxC). How did he do it? How did he manifest the miracle of time / space / energy /travel ? Simple. He did not remember this physics lessons. In fact, Einstien was not a school system trained physicist. He worked a patent office. He was free from the past lessons and classes that his peer physicists were shackled to. His mind was free to manifest miracles without any expected form or pattern to fulfill.

This is why most all the the innovations and miracles in any industry are accomplished by people who are outside the industry. The first outside elevator was invented by a custodian in San Diego. The builders and architects were baffled as to how to renovate an elevator while hotel guests were still present. They were stuck under their fear of all the construction debris this renovation would create. The custodian simply suggested they mount the elevator outside. Reference

Forget the past.

In laboratory experiments, if an animal with a strong memory was consistently fed from the same tube out of two other possible tubes, eventually, it wouldn't even consider looking for for in the other two tubes. It would starve to death. But if an animal with a shorter memory was subjected to the same experiment, it would always look everywhere for food.

Forget how and where you got your last miracle. Forget the past. Look for miracles in the least likely places and with the least likely people. The universe enjoys surprising us.

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