Sunday, April 1, 2007

मिराच्लेस अरे एवेर्य्व्हेरे Miracles And the Law of Abundance

A course in miracles. Manifesting Miracles Now. by
Ever notice that all the things you don't want seem to flock to you like moths to a candle? For your birthday, you get three neckties or accessories that look exactly like that one you've had in your closet for two years now.

Your boss offers you a promotion but its one that you have no passion for. The guys that remind you of the guys you used to think were attractive in High School still seem to be able to zoom into you no matter what dark corner you choose in your favorite bar.

Only what you already own or don't want seems to magically manifest but what you want seems to slip away the harder you work for it. This is called the law of abundance. "To him who has, more will be given. To him that does not have, even what he has will be taken from him."

It's a universal principle. You will have more of what you already have.

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