Sunday, April 1, 2007

Miracles - Applying the Law of Abundance

A course in miracles. Manifesting Miracles Now. by
We are finally onto phase three. Knowledge of the "Law of Abundance," was one. Understanding and Empathising that you too were on the accept/reject side of the Law was phase two. Now you are ready to apply the "law of abundance."

As we mentioned before, ownership of a thing means that you have no more desire for it. You cannot want the car you already own. You cannot want money that's already in your pocket. It's yours because you don't want it - NOT because you already have it. Legally owning something is only one path by which you can let go of desire.

So lets say that what you want is that double salary job. Simply stop wanting it. Let's say it's that super-model at the bar you want. Simply stop wanting him/her.

In western cultures, will and want are often confused. Want is desire. Will is intention. You can intend without desire. Intend on snapping your fingers for example. Go ahead and do it. Did you feel a sense of vacant hollow needy wanting emptiness? No. You had complete mastery over your snap and there was no neediness along with it.

So, intend on having that job without needing or wanting it. Intend on taking that gorgeous successful person to your favorite bistro without wanting, needing, or yearning. How? Once again, there is a meditation for Applying the Law of Abundance. It enables you to own the object of your desire so that the desire flakes away while the intention burns more brightly and you will manifests. Next...

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